Body Armor is Ideal for Every Situations


Body armor is considerably most suitable body armor as it is worn underneath clothing and this is lightweight, flexible, and breathable which can be worn comfortably by everyone. It gives you the benefit of keeping your protection discreet so that you can wear it in day-to-day life.

Whereas an overt vest is lesser appropriate for daily use as it is designed to be worn over the clothes. Overt vests are also lightweight and flexible, but it would not help you to avoid any unwanted attention while remaining protected which covert vest will provide you.

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Body Armor is Ideal for Every Situations

Full Body Armor Protection

The full body  armor will provide at least as much protection to both upper and lower torso as today’s system , but with more comfort, and greater flexibility to adjust based on the mission, Using latest techniques we really focused upon to be the next generation of body armor at a lighter weight. In addition to that Hard Shell really focusing on developing new body armor plates and a new head protection system.

The Full body armor consist of :-

Concealable UnderShirt:– Designed to be worn under a ballistic vest and offers more comfortable and  ballistic fragmentation protection. The shirt is moisture-wicking and has a degree of breathability.

Ballistic Vest:– Hard shell developed a Soldier Plate Carrier System. It features a quick-release system for easy removal.

Groin Protector :- The new protection for groin will replace two current protective items: an undergarment and an over-garment.

Hard Armour Panels:– Hard Shell developing new inserts that are coming in at about 7 percent lighter than their current protection equivalents. The options provide modularity in strength and weight for different missions and fit for different bodies.

Helmets Head Protection gear:- Our lightweight helmet provide protection against rifle threats and improved impact/blast protection over the current helmet at a slightly lighter weight. It should also be modular for possible add-ons like night vision, eye and jaw protection and an additional layer of body armor for even more blast/ballistic resistance, among other attachments.

Full Body Armor Protection

Latest Edition to the Military Helmet

Combat helmet

The headgear being used by the armed forces, across the world, has just moved beyond just protecting the head in a full scale altercation, it is rather now an apparatus that is used by the personnel of forces in a variety of combat settings, ranging from performing general operations to carrying out special missions. The constant need to keep improving the system to provide better protection to the personnel has inspired the researchers and developers to look for new material.

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Latest Edition to the Military Helmet

Bullet Resistant Suit

The bomb disposal suit is a blast-resistant suit that provides extensive protection against a blast. Bomb suits are made of high-performance fabric like Kevlar or other Aramid fabric. This fabric consists of synthetic fibers woven from polymers large molecules made from strands of smaller molecules. Aramid excellent strength-to-weight ratio makes it an ideal fabric for bullet-resistant and blast-resistant clothing.

A bomb disposal suit provides the most comprehensive protection against a blast. When a bomb strikes a bomb suit, the force is reduced by the fabric tightly woven fibers. These fibers disseminate the blast’s force and protect the wearer from impact of it. Also Hard armor plates inserted into the suit help to deflect the force and foJan 16, 2016 4:43 PM IST Jan 16, 2016 4:43 PM ISTrice-back the shrapnel and secondary fragmentation. The flame resistant quality of bomb suit helps to neutralize the heat and flames produced by a blast.

In the past, the use of bomb disposal suit has meant the weight burden, restrictive space for movement, least fragmentation velocity resistance, minimum capacity and eye-hand coordination.

The advent of newer materials with greater protective capabilities, flexibility, cooler to operate within, increased visibility through the helmet, and lighter weight, coupled with increased levels of protection, represents a significant improvement for EOD technician personnel, and explosive blast detonation defeat protection.

The new versions of the Bomb Disposal Suit have been especially engineered to maximize the protection, comfort and ergonomics. The advanced bomb suit provides flexibility, increased levels of protection, lighter weight and clear visibility through the helmet.

Please contact us now if you have you any further questions about Bomb Disposal Suit:

Mob.: +97165489903


Bullet Resistant Suit